Sunday, June 6, 2010

feel good factor

I have been hurting a lot of people intentionally and unintentionally in last couple of weeks.. mostly as a part of my PLANNED CHANGE and mostly to the people who have been the best to me always... I some how made my mum very happy..I never thought it will be so big for her..

every Tuesday she goes to Jhandewallan mandir using local buses. I never liked it coz of her illness and the type of crowd we get in such buses so I always used to tell her that there's no need of going there and all the temples are just same. My mom, as stubborn as me, she never listened to me and kept on traveling in buses.

Not able to afford a permanent driver for her as of now, I told her to use auto/taxi instead and that I will reimburse all her traveling expenses. I cant forget her expressions. The glow, the pride, the happiness on her face as if she is suddenly a proud if she just got pampered... I can still see her smiling even after 5 hours of our discussion...

I didn't know this bit could be so much for her.. I wonder, similarly, small bits could be equally painful too?


Tini.. said...

you care! enough to make her smile.. perpetuate it..

Tini.. said...

its been long you dint type..

Anonymous said...

y r u not typing??